Blogging has been down for the month of July. Sorry folks. In my defense, I've been busy with class, friends, and other culturally frenchy things.
Today marked the end of the Tour de France in Pau, which was definitely the most exciting time I've experienced in the city of Pau so far. Tuesday after class I went downtown with some friends, and watched the cyclists finish. I read online that it's the 100th anniversary of the Tour de France visiting Pau, but I'm not completely sure this is true. Anyway, I spent way too much money on t-shirts and souvenirs for my family... but it's the Tour de France.
This week when someone asked me if I was a tourist passing through I was able to say no, I live here as a student for June and July. My friends and I felt legit. We're practically Paulois.
Last night I witnessed the most bizarre parade. In the states, you get candy. In Pau, you get female condoms and people dressed in post apocalyptic gear. There were two: one in the late afternoon/evening and another one at night. The last parade snaked through the main parts of downtown and ended in the main square, Place Clemenceau. People on the floats started yelling "Roi au velo," or king of the bikes. Felt like I was joining a cult. These people are crazy over their cyclying. Anyway, they ended in the square and they hoisted this huge metal ball made of bikes, which a person had been walking in during the parade, and it resembled a hamster ball, with two bikes and bikers to go with in front of it. As they were cycling in the air, fireworks went off. It was pretty grand and ridiculous but nonetheless awesome to watch. There was inclined makeshift stage that led up into the air and people dressed up as cyclists climbed over each other in order to be "first." The two people in the front had a huge sign that said "arrivee."
Why Pick on Abe???
15 years ago
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